When have you only seen one light shining?
Multiple lights can shine at the same time, in the same space.
Uncover your light, and be proud to shine as brightly as you are! 🌞🌟
💥Nurse Dei-ism: You ain't neva seen nan light just sitting there by itself.
But you talmbout, you don't want to out shine somebody. You don't want to upstage them.
If they are shining, how is your shine gone unshine them?
You hear me???
It's impossible.
Y'all believe in science so bad, and that ain't even science. 🙄
Energy is Energy.
If you pop out and all of a sudden all eyes on you, for whatever reason, it ain't your fault. It's science.
That's not for you to worry about.
As you know, usually when there is more than one light, it just makes it all the more beautiful. 🥰🌅🌞☀️🌟
I am @nursedei Author, Holistic Nurse, Certified Nurse Case Manager, & International Intuitive Coach.
I use multiple holistic modalities to help bring balance & peace within. Join me.
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