💥Nurse Dei-ism: When I tell you that you can think you got it going on in one way, and God will switch it up and have you going on in a whole nother way. Doing your thing BIGGLY, but not like how you were just a month ago. 🤭
When I tell you I thought LH would be in a brick and mortar forevs, I couldn't see it any other way. That was the business plan, then it was like foo (my momma said never call yourself or anybody else a fool) so I just say "foo" 🤭cause we still need that word when we be doing dumb 💩
But yeah I said "Foo, you ain't even at the building. You up the road. You traveling. You virtualing with folks who don't even live in the country ALL da time...why you still housing your stuff in this big ole building. You're seeing clients and doing sessions everywhere and online. You gotta write some more books. How this building even fit into the equation?" 🤔
I said, "Wait, is that you Lawd. Cause if none of the funds went to a building that would be boo coos. Yeah I hear you Lawd. That IS you! 😂" and it was a no brainer. 😂
So I just sent out an email about everything that is popping at Listening Hands®️ LLC and Listening Hands®️ Care Services, LLC. If you mean something to me (just kidding...but not really) you got the email. If you ain't get it, you ain't no real one no way. 🤭 Real clients and customers know what's up....(one timers know what's up too cause yall are still in my system. 😂 Thank you for choosing Listening Hands®️ LLC as well for that magical experience. 😁)
It's so much jumping over here that I can't keep up with the updates. Thank you! Thank you! And Thank ya momma, auntie, cousin nem who been ordering and booking online appointments too!
Yall the GOATS. Stay tuned....yep, we flew out the brick and mortar side of business after 5 years of having a brick and mortar. It feels great. I honestly kept a building for y'all to have a place of refuge, but when y'all told me how fye the virtuals are, it's like let's get it! 💪🏾🚫🏠
I am @nursedei Holistic Nurse, Certified Nurse Case Manager, & International Intuitive Coach.
I use multiple holistic modalities to help bring balance & peace within. Join me.